Latest News Current Event: TAGDV Sankranthi Sambaralu on Saturday, January 25th, 2025Click here to access our upcoming activities

President's Message

Dear Members

First I want to thank the Telugu Association of Greater Delaware Valley for allowing me to serve as President 2024-26 and to be a part of an organization for the last 12 years. I am following the footsteps of some great presidents in the Association.

The Association was founded back in 1973 by individuals who are motivated and persistent in serving the Telugu community for the Association.I intend to keep that tradition going.

The next two years come on challenge for myself and the Executive committee as we continue to develop and improve the organization and events that reflect the benefit of our members.Both myself and our Executive Committee are excited about the opportunity to give something back to our organization.

The second challenge we will have is increasing our membership.We need to bring some youth into the Association and that starts at the chapter level.We encourage the womens to start a women's forum.If any member needs any help or ideas,my door,as well as any EC member is always open to answer any question.

For our current members and prospective members,I want to assure you that my intention,and that of the Executive Committee, is to grow the TAGDV without limits.I look forward to a productive successful President and invite each of you to participate and most importantly become involved.

Tulasi Ram Mohan Rao.Talluri
President TAGDV